
IaddffmpegfilesfromtutorialSynologyDSM7–RoonOnNASandIdidn'tknowhowtocheckifitworks.ItrychecklogfilesbutIfoundonlythisline.,ffmpegv4.3.1-35isthelastversionthatIfind,butitdoesntworkin7.0beta.IsthereanythatworksorcanIinstallitotherwise?,Ialsonoticedthatffmpegwasrunningat33%loadwhilenovideoswerebeingstreamed/transcodedonmyDS916+butIdidhaveDownloadStation ...,Hi,ihaveproblemswhentryiingtostreamsome...

Ffmpeg how check it? - QNAPSynology NAS

I add ffmpeg files from tutorial Synology DSM7 – RoonOnNAS and I didn't know how to check if it works. I try check log files but I found only this line.

DSM 7.0 FFmpeg

ffmpeg v4.3.1-35 is the last version that I find, but it doesnt work in 7.0 beta. Is there any that works or can I install it otherwise?

Why does ffmpeg run?

I also noticed that ffmpeg was running at 33% load while no videos were being streamed/transcoded on my DS916+ but I did have Download Station ...

FFmpeg error

Hi, i have problems when tryiing to stream something. Error starting ffmpeg. Can somebody help? thx Reply Relevant posts Using ffmpeg to extract video ...

FFMPEG MKV DTS-AC3 batch conversion

I have a couple of mkv files in a folder My new tv cant transcode DTS. Is there a way to make a script to search for DTS audio and convert ...

a bug on synology & ffmpeg6

In minimserver I used /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg as a converter. What happened is that this had dissapeared on the synology and replaced by ffmpeg6

FFmpeg 4 v4.4.4-49

FFmpeg 4 v4.4.4-49. FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

FFmpeg 6 v6.0.1-5

FFmpeg 6 v6.0.1-5. FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the ...

ffmpeg in DSM7 ? : rsynology

I had ffmpeg in with previous DSM thru Synocomunity, but this package was disabled by DSM7 as incompatible, unsigned whatever, but then I checked by telnet ...

FFmpeg 6 update - SynoCli Video Drivers??? : rsynology

I have a Synology DiskStation that has FFmpeg that needs to be updated, however the update fails with the following message: FFmpeg 6: Please install the ...